Jikiden Reiki Tree
Reiki Chronology
About Axel Ebert
I was born in Koenigs Wusterhausen near Berlin. Grown up under the care of a communist system I quite early came in touch with the facets of a powerful controlling system, the feeling of not being free, warmth and security due to subordination, analytical skills, character study, and friendship. I was always interested in the ancient knowledge of China, later also of Japan and India, and I would have loved to study Sinology and traditional Chinese medicine.
In reality I became a mechanical engineer, specialized in turbo machines. This has brought a highly creative, analytical and communicative activity with good income after the fall of the Berlin wall. For a German and a Swiss power generation company I visited power stations all over the world, to run guarantee performance tests. A nice lesson from this job was to see that with openness and trust, there would always be a friendly relation possible, and that happiness does depend neither on property nor on health. Happiness is just a state, and one simply has to choose if he wants to be in it.
There are three havens which are important to me. First of all it is Weisswasser, the city where I spent my childhood. When I question my nature I like to mind-travel to situations in this time. Next there is Moscow, the city where I have started my engineering degree in 1987, meeting a new art of thinking and analysis. Even today my technical approach may strike odd to friends and colleagues in the West. Finally there is Bangalore in India, where a visit to the palm leaf library has caused quite a stir in my philosophy of life. Independent from the belief in Karma or destiny I have found a place of inspiration, able to unveil new paths. The palm leafs I consider rather handy comments than prophecy. Bangalore certainly is the cradle of my spiritual growth.
It was also in the palm leaf library in Bangalore where I heard about Reiki for the first time. This was in 1995. It took another 5 years until I have met Rene Voegtli. He became my teacher for the Western Reiki in the lineage of Hawayo Takata. In 2005 I got the privilege to receive the master initiation, and in 2007 I completed my training to Reiki Master with Rene & Mischa Voegtli. 2007 - 2010 I was teaching western Reiki first and second degree.
2008 I traveled to Japan to learn Usui Reiki Ryoho, the original form of Reiki from its birthplace. The comparison with my Western training in the lineage Takata and The Reiki Network has brought thrilling insight. In the West many concepts and techniques are different from those in Japan. I write more in detail in the article Reiki in Japan. Different forms could be regarded just as different tools. Nevertheless I wanted to pass on the direct Japanese teachings after my stay in Japan.
For me Reiki is divine. Every seminar and every treatment is just marvelous and enriching. I have experienced Reiki also in emergency situations and I am grateful for this. Indeed Reiki is the finest gift I have been awarded in this life. And - who knows - maybe initiations (into Reiki and others) are the only true gifts, which life can offer.
Reiki does not seem to have its origin in this world, maybe it comes from a different level. It may rather be observed than be explained or proven. I like this. Because there is a higher quality than that of analysis. It is - absorption. Absorption is not limiting.
I still work as a mechanical engineer, and many a colleague wonders, how I could deal with such unexplainable stuff. Sometimes I reply with the counterquestion, if he could explain gravitation to me, and soon it becomes apparent, that nobody really knows, how one body would know about the other and hence become attracted. Regardless of our non-understanding we have the courage to describe gravitation, using our observations. Even more - we make use of them, and finally we board on an airplane and simply fly to Australia.
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In 1995 in the palm leaf library of Bangalore India Axel first heard about Reiki.
Palm Leaf Library Bangalore 1995
Jikiden Reiki Tree
Mikao Usui 1865-1926
Usui Reiki Ryoho - Usui Reiki Ryoho - Traditional Reiki Ryoho
Chujiro Hayashi 1880-1940
Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai - Reiki Research Center
Chiyoko Yamaguchi 1921-2003
Tadao Yamaguchi
Axel Ebert
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Reiki Chronology Axel Ebert
Axel Ebert - Graduation to Shihan Kaku - Tadao Yamaguchi - June 2010